Masjid Projects

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“Whoever builds a masjid for Allah, Allah will build for him a house like it in Paradise”
(Sahih al-Bukhari 439, Sahih Muslim 533)

A masjid in itself is not only a place of worship but also an important central part of a Muslim community where general issues can be discussed and children can learn Islamic education.

A masjid not only helps strengthens the faith of a believer, but also unites a community and strengthens ties.

We have built numerous masjids over the years, where communities have lacked the resources to build.

There is always options when helping via masjid projects. You can help fund a new masjid or help fund a masjid which is in need of repair.

We aim to continue our work in locating areas and helping poor communities have a central point for worship.

Please donate generously to our masjid projects support and gain your reward in paradise.

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