Container Projects

Since 2015, One Life Global Welfare have been collecting aid to help those in need in Syria, Yemen and Somalia.

More than 2,625 tonnes of aid have reached poor families in need of help.

• Staple Foods
• Medical apparatus and machines
• Medicine
• Ambulances
• Hygiene Items
• Clothing
•Foot wear
• Disability equipment

Thanks to everyone working together regardless of race and religion and in many cities of the United Kingdom.

Udhiyah/Qurbani/Aqiqah Projects

Qurbani, or Uḍḥiya as it is known in Arabic, is the practice of sacrificing an animal for Allah (swt). Every year, on the days of Eid-ul-Adha from the 10th to 13thof Dhul Hijjah, Muslims around the world sacrifice an animal to mark the completion of Hajj. This practice commemorates the sacrifice of Ibrahim (as) thousands of years ago, who was prepared to sacrifice his beloved son for Allah’s sake.

Qurbani is not simply the slaughtering of an animal and the distribution of its meat, and it is more than a commemorative ritual. The word ‘Qurbani’ is derived from the Arabic, ‘qurban’, which has its root in the Arabic word ‘qurb’ – meaning ‘nearness’. The purpose of offering Qurbani is to draw near to Allah.Through Qurbani, we reaffirm what we sometimes forget in the hustle and bustle of everyday life – that we completely submit to Allah, and we are willing to sacrifice whatever is asked of us to be close to Him and gain His pleasure, just as Prophet Ibrahim (as) did so many years ago. Thus, an important part of Qurbani is remembering to hold onto our sincere intentions and striving to be closer to Allah through this symbolic sacrifice.

In areas of poverty, meat is a rare luxury. Please support our qurbani projects and help extend a your generosity in providing this luxury for the most needy communities.

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Sponsorship Projects

“They ask you (O Muhammad) what they should spend. Say: Whatever you spend of good must be for parents and kindred and orphans and al-Masakin (the poor) and the wayfarers, and whatever you do of good deeds, truly, Allah knows it well.”
(Qur’an, 2:215)

One Life Global Welfare continues to support families, with children, who have severe disabilities. These families live in extreme poverty and struggle each day. Hardship is multiplied, due to the disabilities of their children. We provide financial support to these families, to help meet the needs of their disabled children. In addition, we also support orphan children with their education, learning materials, medical care, food and clothing, through monthly sponsorships.

Please support these children, by making a monthly donation, allowing us to continue our existing work, as well as reach out to more children in need and have a greater positive impact on their future.

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Masjid Projects

“Whoever builds a masjid for Allah, Allah will build for him a house like it in Paradise”
(Sahih al-Bukhari 439, Sahih Muslim 533)

A masjid in itself is not only a place of worship but also an important central part of a Muslim community where general issues can be discussed and children can learn Islamic education.

A masjid not only helps strengthens the faith of a believer, but also unites a community and strengthens ties.

We have built numerous masjids over the years, where communities have lacked the resources to build.

There is always options when helping via masjid projects. You can help fund a new masjid or help fund a masjid which is in need of repair.

We aim to continue our work in locating areas and helping poor communities have a central point for worship.

Please donate generously to our masjid projects support and gain your reward in paradise.

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Education Projects

If all students in low-income countries gained basic reading skills, 171 million people could be lifted out of poverty.

Since 2015, One Life Global Welfare has built and supported numerous schools in Africa and Asia, to benefit thousands of children from poor communities, with secular and religious education. These projects have heavily benefited thousands of children as they come from backgrounds where their families are unable to afford basic education for them.

We also provide support and materials for special needs schools, where students require special books and additional materials to support their learning due to their disabilities.

With your support, we can continue to support and provide for these schools, so thousands of children can continue to grow and have a better future.

There is always a need for more schools, so we are able to reach more children, who also lack the basic education needed to build a better future.

Please donate generously and have a positive impact on the future of a child.

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Medical Aid Projects

One of the greatest tragedies in this world is when a child is lost to a preventable cause. For example, two of the greatest killers of children in the world are diarrhea and pneumonia, which can both easily be treated, when there is access to adequate medical care.

For countless families, who cannot afford basic medicine or transport costs, to reach the nearest hospital or medical clinic, illnesses can become life threatening.

We provide free medical treatment for adults and children in parts of Africa and Asia, who are unable to afford medical treatment.

We are one of the first to respond during emergencies in conflict zones, like Yemen, Gaza, Somalia, Myanmar and Kashmir.

We continue to support medical clinics and hospitals in conflict areas. Our teams visit families door to door with doctors and pharmacists in rural areas, providing medical care and medicine to those people who have difficulty travelling to hospitals or clinics.

We rely upon your kind hearted donations, to continue to support adults and children, living in extreme poverty and conflict areas with life saving medicines and medical treatment.

Please support us and donate today, so that we are able to continue this important work and prevent the loss of life.

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Livelihood Projects

1 in 8 people in the world do not have enough to eat. Many poor people are unable to grow enough food to feed their own families, much less to sell for additional income.

As important as it is to get vital food and water to people in need, it is also important to take advantage of opportunities, where an individual can be given the tools and resources to become self sufficient and provide for themselves and their families.

One Life Global Welfare has helped in countries in Africa and Asia providing individuals with training and equipment to help them establish a source of income.

• Setting up a small shop
• Sewing training and equipment
• Pepper grounders
• Rickshaws
• Agricultural tools

There are countless individuals and families out there, who can benefit from our livelihood project.

Please support us with this on going work, so we are able to reach many more people and truly change lives for the better.

A small donation from you can impact families for a lot longer than you may think.

Please donate.

Food Aid Projects

According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, 10.7% of the world’s population lives in extreme poverty.

Many factors, like conflict, climate change, a lack of resources and poor governance are the cause of this.

Since 2015, we have been providing staple food packs to families up to 23 countries, affected by conflict, natural disasters and general severe poverty.

Countless people who suffer from lack of food are displaced families and vulnerable children.

With your support, we can continue to make a difference in the lives of many people, simply concerned about the survival of their families.

There is always a desperate need for food, in some of the worst affected areas of the world. Our teams are on standby to help.

Please donate today.

Water Aid Projects

Right now, one out of ten people do not have access to clean water. A lack of access to safe and sufficient water, sanitation and hygiene facilities has a devastating effect on health, dignity and prosperity of countless people around the world.

Since we started operating in 2015, we have benefited over 2 million people in some of the most affected regions of the world, which we would not have been able to do without your generous support.

We aim to continue this work and keep digging/drilling water wells, repairing water wells, installing water pumps and delivering water via water truck in areas where there is a dire need for clean water.

We can all imagine what life would be like for us, should the quality or quantity of water available to us suddenly changed. Our luxuries and desires would drift to one of life’s most basic needs, something we take for granted everyday.

Please help us to continue benefiting and changing the life’s of many more people around the world, by providing them much-needed sufficient and clean water they also deserve, allowing them to live a life free of diseases, with proper sanitisation and hygiene.

Please donate today.

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