Beneficiaries around the world

Bacha Hajam Borli
Tharparkar, Pakistan
‘’Our men women & children walked long distances in search of water to quench thirst but now water hand pump installed in our village from one life global welfare. We are thankful and pray for these angelic human beings who do not forget us.’’

Abdur Rahman
Old Kawadel village, Arakan Myanmar
‘’I am very pleased to receive food packs from One Life Global Welfare. We were starving due to lack of food as we’re blocked in our village by Myanamr government. At the main time, One Life Global Welfare distributed food packs for us. So, I am speechless to describe how I am happy to receive food packs from One Life Global Welfare. I hope One Life Global Welfare will keep helping us in future.’’

Zulah Khayitsa
Bumwabu Village, Uganda
‘’I thank one life global walfare for the constant support with repairing our borehole we now have clean water. I feel safe as my children do not need to go far to fetch water.
I also thank the organisation for construction of a school which has helped our children receive better education and also provision of pads for periods for our young girls.
May the Almighty Allah bless all the donors and those working with one life global walfare. Ameen.’’

Khee'aan wife Jeto
Tharparkar, Pakistan
‘’I am so happy due to such greater quantity of food items here with me first time in my life. My husband lost his eye sight so he is not able to earn a living for us. Since many days we were starving here but you came to rescue us from this calamity. May Allah bless you.’’ ( Allah ap ka bhalla kary)

‘’I acknowledge that One Life Global Welfare (NGO based in UK) has been doing life saving humanitarian activities in Arakan, Myanamar since 2015. I cordially thank One Life Global Welfare on behalf of the whole Rohingya community in Arakan for helping vulnerable people providing education, food aid, water projects and house building that support and save thousands of people’s lives.
Therefore, I hope that One Life Global Welfare will continue their lifesaving activities in Arakan, Myanmar.’’
U Kyaw Hla Aung
Former Advocate 2018 Aurora Prize Laureate
Rohingya Community Leader
Sittwe township, Arakan, Myanamr

Muhammad Ali Abdullah Jabri
Yemen - Tahama - Al-Hejah IDP camp
‘’The people of Al-Hejah area lack water. Nearest well is 4 km away from them and they find it difficult to obtain water as well as being displaced.
Praise be to God and then thanks to the efforts of ONE LIFE GLOBAL WELFARE who provide us with water and many of the villagers benefit.
We express our sincere thanks and appreciation to ONE LIFE GLOBAL WELFARE for helping us and providing water where the people of the region are suffering due to very difficult conditions.’’

Sheikh Yusuf Ibrahim Aqili
Yemen - Tahama - Bani Al Aqili IDP camp
‘’The war in Yemen displaced many people, and the areas of Tihama has had a large number of displaced people here in the Bani Al-Aqili area. The displaced suffer harshness, difficulty and severe conditions. They are deprived of aid. No aid has reached them. Their condition only God knows.
With the initiative of ONELIFF GLOBAL WELFARE help has reached people who are overjoyed. It was a humanitarian initiative under the harshest conditions. Similarly, we wish to continue extending a helping hand to the displaced in Tihama, offering our thanks to ONE LIFE GLOBAL WELFARE.
I ask the Almighty God to reward them with good and write this in the balance of their good deeds and guide them to do good. Ameen.’’

Nazar Muhammad
Chakar ji wand, Pakistan
‘’We are happy our life has become easy now because of the hand pump installed in the village reducing the burden of walking around many kilometers in search of water.’’

Sadiq Abdullah
Sakama Community, Taiwo Isale Kwara state, Nigeria
‘’I am the head of Sakama community.
Previously, our children attended schools built with wooden planks that were in such poor condtion. Whenever it rained the children were beaten wet by rain water, this has been on going on for many years.
Alhmadulillah, ONE LIFE GLOBAL WELFARE has built our new school from foundation to completion. The students are very happy. All the parents of the pupils are appreciative and are making lots of prayers for ONELIFE GLOBAL WELFARE. We also pray Allah reward ONE LIFE GLOBAL WELFARE, it’s volunteer and donors. May Allah reward them in abundance. Ameen’’

Tojjollo Kamu
LC 1 Chairman, Namili village, Uganda
‘’I and my fellow community members are happy due to the installation of electricity for people in our community. This has brought employment and light in our area.
We have many poor people in our areas. One life global walfare have education, provided food, medicines and clean water for many communities. This has made lives of our people healthier and happier. We pray you continue with such a good heart.’’

Khadija Begum
Bumay village, Sittwe township, Arakan,Myanmar
‘’I am very pleased to receive water pump from One Life Global Welfare. I have fresh and clean water from my water pump. I feel safe too as I don’t need to go far away to collect water. I hope One Life Global Welfare will continue helping us who are the most vulnerable in the Arakan, Myanmar.’’

Aziz s/o Sultan
Village Samaro, Pakistan
‘’My Granddaughter passed away and guests were coming for condolence at home. We did not have enough to serve them as per ritual demands. But with the Grace of Allah you came in the meantime to support our sad family and we are now able to serve the guests & my self too we are thankful and praying.’’

Wabululu Charles
Area councillor, Uganda
‘’We appreciate the work one life global walfare has done for our community members regardless of faith.
We have been receiving free medicines, food packs, Free sewing machines to help our widows earn a living. We have been provided hoes and pangas to aid our farmers to improve our lives.
I do take this opportunity to thank all the management and donors of One life global walfare for their support i pray that God gives you back all good. Amen.’’

Ibraheem Dikhrullah
Kankantu, Okelele District, Ilorin Kwara, Nigeria
‘’My name is ibraheem dhikrullah.
I am the son of the village head of this entire community. Before now we have been going through a lot due to lack of water though we lack many other social amenities but the pick of it all is lack of water. Many villagers have contacted different kinds of diseases due to the bad water we drink. Alhamdulillah with the help of ONELIFE GLOBAL WELFARE who came and provided us with a borehole. We now have clean water. We are very grateful and appreciative, we also pray Allah in His infinite mercy reward ONELIFE GLOBAL WELFARE and it’s volunteer in abundance.’’

Lachaman Meghwal
‘’The doors of happiness has opened for us and for our animals. It was very difficult to manage to draw water from dug wells. But you came here and identified our basic need and provided us with a well. We are very thankful to you.’’

Mureed s/o Haji
“We in the desert face a very difficult life. It is very hard to earn living and feed our children. It is so kind of you to be here with us providing food packs at our doorstep .There are still people who provide us with food!
Believe me, I don’t have words. How can I express my happiness?”

Muhamad Noor
Thet Kay Pyin village, Arakan, Myanmar
‘’I am very happy to receive qurbani fresh meats from One Life Global Welfare. I have fresh meats on the day of Eid ul Adaha and I can cook meats and feed my family.
My children are celebrating Eidul Adaha as they have fresh meats distributed by One Life Global Welfare.’’

Mariam Musse
Mogadishu Somalia
‘’I had two disabled kids (Aisha Abbas and Said Abbas) and worried how to feed and dress for my kid as well their medication but Alhamdulillah with the help of monthly disability sponsorship from OLGW; i have managed feeding them, dressing for them and as well their medication. Jazzak Allah Khair.’’

Jamiat w/o Karam Ali
Tharparkar, Pakistan
‘’Due to poverty we could not eat properly for many months and now don’t have even a single leftover at home to feed my little son. The food Packet you gave has made me so happy and my son can have enough food and do not need to go too bad without it.’’

Ibraheem Bandh Bhiroo
‘’We always prayed to Allah SWT for harnessing us with such blessing so that we can say prayers with ease and comfort and he listened to our prayers and sent you to establish the mosque. We daily come with our children to say prayers in the mosque. In the evening, the children also read and recite the Holy Quran. We are happy that our new generation are educating themselves with Quranic teachings and acting upon it. Allah blesses you.’’

Halima Hassan
Lower Shabelle region, Somalia
‘’I and my young daughter Fatima traveled from 90 kilometers to reach this IDP camp in order to survive from the war, where we came from. When reaching here, we had nothing to eat and had to struggle a lot. Alhamdulillah, One Life Global Welfare Charity brought staple food for us plus clothes and nutrition powders for my little baby. ‘’
Jazzak Allah Khair.

Al Basir School
Mogadishu, Somalia
‘’We at Al-Basiir School for the Blind students had nothing to enjoy during Ramadan Iftar as well as lacking teaching and learning materials, thanks to OLGW for providing iftars each and every Ramadan as well donations of Braille materials for us to continue taking our lessons in class.’’

‘’We warmly welcome such Blessing at our door step in the village. It seem the dream of the whole village has come true. Allah of us were going to remote areas for offering Eid and Ramdhan prayers but now we can have in our own village. I cannot measure the extent of my jubilance.’’

Halima Muse
El Munye, Somalia
‘’We had no water at all in our village and used to send our girls very far in order to fetch water for the family whilst though it was not safe.
Alhamdulillah, OLGW dug for us a water well which allowed us to have clean, safe drinking water. We are no longer worried of our girls safety since we are no longer sending them far from home in order for them to bring water for the family. Jazzak Allah Khair.’’

‘’I was not able to leave and go to Madrassa like any other siblings because of the hot weather in my country and couldn’t afford to crawl. But Alhamdulillah with the help of OLGW giving me this wheelchair I feel blessed and can go everywhere I want just like any other child in my village.’’

Joinab Akter
Katapulang Camp
‘’I was born at Maungdhaw in Myanmar.‘’
‘’I was married and I have 4 children, 3 sons and a daughter but my husband died while crossing the border to Bangladesh during the violence in 2017.‘’
‘’Since then I have been a widow, so when we came to Bangladesh I was so frustrated as I did not have any way to earn money, I was depending on our regular meals provided by the UN, but it was not enough for us to survive.‘’
“So one day, UK based charity ONE LIFE GLOBAL WELFARE gave me an opportunity to learn sewing. After a month of training and hard work now I am able to make money as this charity gave me a sewing machine and as soon as we finished our training .
Now I can sew clothes for the neighbourhood , this is how I now provide for my children.
I thank from the bottom of my heart, ONE LIFE GLOBAL for giving me such an opportunity and a machine which is very helpful to me and my family. My gratitude and thanks to ONE LIFE GLOBAL.’’

Halima Begum
Katapulang Camp
‘’I was born at Rathidaung in Myanmar. Have 3 children, a son and 2 daughters.’’
‘’My husband was shot as we fled in 2017 to Bangladesh.’’
‘’I was a seamstress back home where I used to make a good living then, but since I came to Bangladesh I was desperate to find a work as my husband can’t work because of his injuries.’’
‘’When I heard that UK based charity ONE LIFE GLOBAL were distributing some sewing machines I asked for one, considering my circumstances they gave me one. Now I sew clothes such as petticoats, shirts and ladie’s clothes at camp number 5, block 53 at Kutupalong camp.’’
‘’I am so happy and grateful as this great charity has helped me earn money so that I can support my family during these hard times.’’
‘’I wish a great success to ONE LIFE GLOBAL.’’

Sabrin & Wardhere
Mogadishu, Somalia
Sabrin – ‘I am Rich, Alhamdulillah’
‘’Sabrin, believes that Allah has a plan for her life. Born with fragile legs, she tells her story of how her physically challenged mother tried to help her to walk, but speaks with confidence in knowing who she is.’’
‘’When I was born, I was diagnosed with a physical disability. My limbs were of an unusual shape and weakness. They could not extend straight and were rather stiff. I had very limited motor function. Standing up properly was impossible. But all of these physical troubles were nothing compared to my inner scars. Both my mom and I we were stigmatized by the community around us.’’
On 15th January 2018, Sabrin happened to have visited ‘Ward here’ – (the boy in the picture)….and this turned out to be an emotional visit for her! ‘Alhamdulillah, said a sobbing Sabrin while holding the innocent and ever smiling Wardhere! I think I cannot consider myself less fortunate, I am reach and much better than him’ Sabrin Added.Jazzak Allah Khair.

Ibrahim Ali Muhammad Adabi
Yemen - Tihama - Bani Al-Adabi
‘’I am the father of the child Salwa, my daughter suffers from malnutrition. She is the most precious thing to me. Thanks to God Almighty and thanks to the brothers from ONE LIFE GLOBAL WELFARE I am able to provide my baby with milk continuously throughout this period. Thank God, my daughter has improved month after month and is in good shape. From the bottom of my heart. I thank the team from ONE LIFE GLOBAL WELFARE for fruitful and good efforts. I wish them to continue their journey in this charitable work so much.
We ask God to grant them success in this world and the hereafter.’’