About us

Saving one life, is as if saving the whole of humanity

Quran 5:32

Hardship and challenges have always been presented to many people and in a lot of cases, this is due to no fault of their own. Many are born into environments of this nature and some due to conflict, find themselves stuck in these situations.

We initially started very small and pushed to help with what we could. Personally arranging what donations we could, we would give to people around the globe who were in desperate need. Spreading out a little more and getting family and friends involved, we were able to grow the aid being sent each time, but to have a real impact, we needed to reach many more people, willing to support our work and projects and have an impact on the lives of thousands of people in a positive way. We therefore decided to form One Life Global Welfare.

We established our charity in April 2015, with a purpose to relieve hardship for people suffering from severe poverty and those heavily affected by conflict. In addition, we have also got involved in education projects, where we have been able to provide facilities for education, to those who can not afford it or live in areas where it is difficult to access. For families with no form of income, we have worked with them on sustenance projects, training them and providing them with equipment, so they are able to make their own living. We have worked hard to create a team of dedicated and trustworthy volunteers in many areas, who are able to quickly respond to the needs of vulnerable people on the ground and support the future growth of poor communities.

We have taken great pride in staying true to our purpose and supporting the very people we initially set out to help. Transparency of our work has always been vital to us, to allow all those who have generously contributed towards our projects, to see the impact they are having on the lives of thousands around the world.

Charity serves as a way to bring justice, balance and kindness to every society and community. It is our aim, that One Life Global Welfare continues to fulfil our duty correctly and transparently, to eliminate poverty in many parts of the world.

Charity serves as a way to bring justice, balance and kindness to every society and community. It is our aim, that One Life Global Welfare continues to fulfil our duty correctly and transparently, to eliminate poverty in many parts of the world.

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